Why The Lazy Society?

‘Why The Lazy Society?’ is often a question we get asked during our crypto sessions, so I thought it would be a good time to nip it in the bud and create the official back story. But it’s a true story, not a made-up one. I have always found it’s good to start with the Why, so here goes for The Lazy Society.

I am naturally a lazy person, not a sloth, and I constantly rely on hacks to get me by in life… fact! So I define being lazy as doing smarter, not harder as summarized here. This means finding the easy road to doing my day job, working out, booking holidays, and just about anything. Conserving energy and making more time for the things I love to do is my life mission, and I feel that The Lazy Society concept ticks all the boxes for achieving this. 

The Lazy Society is a collaborative project born in early 2018 simply because I was getting bored at work. Yes, I had anxiety due to complete boredom from my day job, so I started a blog. I discovered that writing articles helps reduce my anxiety levels, keeps me focused, and thinking I might inspire others in some way, shape, or form. ‘Collaborative’ means that I was always open and still open to like-minded people coming on board and adding value. 

Adding the Crypto Touch from 2021

Before starting The Lazy Society concept, I invested in various cryptocurrencies in 2017. Then around mid-2021, I met Ant (aka Gotsauss) and found a passion for crypto and how decentralized technologies can help change the world. He also taught me how to grow my crypto portfolio from 2017 via various passive income opportunities just by staying plugged into the space (even in the bear market… shh don’t tell anyone; they might think we are crazy!). This was also when everything clicked, and we also attracted Marc (MGDivingNZ), who is equally passionate about the cryptocurrency space, a true degen, and tech-savvy.

Together we decided to take The Lazy Society concept to another level by starting crypto education sessions and a Discord server. So we now have incredible people on board who are ready to help crypto newbies navigate a complex space and prepare for the next bull market.

To The Moon and Beyond!

The Lazy Society roadmap for 2022 and beyond. Are you ready for this ride?

The crypto space is moving fast. There is so much to explore, which can often overwhelm newcomers. Our mission is to make it easy for newbies to get into the space safely and in a community-driven manner. Yes, here at The Lazy Society, it’s about community, learning daily, and growing together. 

We use The Lazy Society brand to do crypto smarter, not harder. This includes crypto education for newbies, presenting simple crypto trading strategies, crypto news, airdrops, metaverse, play-to-earn gaming, crypto scam alerts, and getting into projects super early before the next bull market. Rest assured, we do have a LOT for the intermediate and advanced crypto heads and degens. Come and ask our community within our Discord for feedback! We dare you! ย ๐Ÿ˜›

We want to build a team who can add value to The Lazy Society in a decentralized manner and build a loyal community. We also want to develop our product (aka deliver future utility) to help explain crypto easily, where anyone can understand and be inspired by how it will eventually make our world a better place.ย Our early community members on Discord will benefit the most from any utility we deliver. ๐Ÿ‘€

So, if you are an experienced graphic designer and Web3 developer, feel free to hop into our Discord and make yourself known.ย We are also looking for social influencers, community builders, and crypto educators to join our team.

Our Values

  • Fun – We love what we do in crypto and cannot stop smiling every day.
  • Curious – We are natural degens and curious about new opportunities we share with our community.
  • Passionate – We are passionate about what we do and determined to make it work.
  • Respect: We seek to understand others and their feelings/situations, which leads to tolerance, respect, and compassion.
  • Teamwork: We work together to meet our community’s needs and help our brand win daily. 
  • Quality – We build outstanding utility and unsurpassed service that deliver premium value to our community.
  • Integrity – We uphold the highest integrity standards in all our actions.
  • Cautious – We have combined experience in being scammed, so we tread carefully and have a Crypto Scam Alerts channel to help people from being scammed.

If you are feeling this in your gut, trust your intuition and LFG! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

6 Replies to “Why The Lazy Society?

  1. Love what you guys bring to the community and how you do it.
    Best decision I have ever made to join the group and I absolutely LOVE the logo!
    Love Lynette XXX

  2. I joined today and I’m quite excited about this new journey. I’m putting the things I learned today to work. Cheers to the future.

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