New Year Decluttering with the KonMari Koolaid

Declutter the easy with KonMari Koolaid

De-clutter your home the easy way with the KonMari method

My husband has this habit of decluttering every December and January. This year, along with millions of others, we are decluttering while drinking the KonMari koolaid.

Unless you have been living under The Digital Rock, you will know about Marie Kondo and the KonMari method. You may be reading The life changing magic of tidying up or Spark Joy, watching Tidying up on Netflix or listening to one of her podcasts. For the uninitiated, in a nutshell, the KonMari method is, if something ‘sparks joy’ in you, keep it.  If it doesn’t, get rid of it (nicely!).

The KonMari method for organizing clothes.

There are SO many websites out there dissecting her philosophy and method, some say its life changing, others say it doesn’t last and yet others say joy is not the only valid emotion.  

As a wise friend once told me, its all very well for people to give advice but you are the one who has to live your own life so check it out if you need help with decluttering and take the advice that will help your life.

Check out this room organization hack video here.

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