Working from Home in Comfort

Now, most of us have had an extended period of working from home. I think this is the new normal around the world for a long time to come.

I have seen so many different setups. Some prefer to work in their home office, tucked away and able to concentrate more easily. Others set up on the kitchen table, ‘command central’.  I am one of those people; I prefer to be close to the kitchen for frequent cups of tea and snacks. I’ve seen others even set up in their children’s playroom. I am not sure that would work for me. I don’t think I could get any work done!

I can highly recommend the following three items to provide additional comfort when working from home.

1. Gel pad mouse mat

Wherever you are set up, it’s important that you are comfortable and that you enjoy being in your space—some of the desk setups that I have been so helpful. I especially love my gel pad mouse mat. It’s super comfortable for long hours at the computer.

2. Multi-functional dual comfort seat cushion

My gym has also helpfully included hand exercises recognizing that we may have more strain than usual with the long periods of time spent sitting working at our computers. I am also waiting on my seat cushion to make it even more comfortable.

Work smarter from home with the comfort cushion

3. Essential oil humidifier

And sometimes, working from home can be so stressful. What with juggling all the competing demands that need to be juggled. I particularly find it stressful at mealtimes trying to get lunch or dinner at the table for the kids when invariably I am running late on a deadline or fielding urgent questions. In these times, sometimes there is no time even to resort to my trusty rescue, a cup of tea. But I do have a few seconds to turn on my essential oil humidifier for some calming vibes. This is also great for getting a good night’s sleep.

I must say I miss the daily afternoon bike rides with the kids since they have returned to school. These were a wonderful way to break up the workday. But I suppose they need to return to the classroom when the time is right! 

Check out other simple yet effective hacks for working smarter from home here.

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