Grow Your Blog With Bloggers Traffic Community

Looking for a smarter and easier way to grow your blog?

Whether you are new to blogging, an experienced blogger or looking to grow your website, I highly recommend you check out Bloggers Traffic Community (also known as BTC).

BTC is a large online community dedicated to helping each other grow their respective blogs and websites. BTC is a bit like a Facebook for bloggers, but less intrusive and more focused on helping each other out.

BTC is FREE to join and it works by ‘pimping up’ each other’s latest blog posts on daily basis by clicking/commenting on links, sharing on social media (mainly via Pinterest) and connecting with like-minded individuals. This will in turn help drive free traffic to the blog posts and naturally increase the overall website ranking in major search engines like Google.

Why Bloggers Traffic Community?:

A free user-friendly platform… just follow the bouncing ball!

As with everything promoted via the lazy society, BTC is very simple to get started and use:

  1. Click here to sign up.
  2. Fill in your profile and say a bit about you and your blog/website vision.
  3. Connect and interact with as many members as possible and check out/comment/share their blog posts – its good karma!
  4. Follow the daily instructions by the BTC moderators daily to promote your blog posts. Here’s an example:

A large active community

There is an ongoing non-intrusive active chat with experienced bloggers who are there to answer questions about any aspects of blogging, which is especially useful for newbie bloggers.

Pinterest traffic is the best

BTC members are highly active on Pinterest, which as a leading social media platform provides a ‘hot’ traffic source. As a BTC member, you can request access to BTC Pinterest Boards which are relevant to your business which can help you promote your blog/brand leading to eventual sales.

Helps you stay motivated

BTC is all about helping each other to stay focused, motivated and growing together. When you promote your latest blog post link on BTC, I can almost guarantee that BTC members will cheer you on (likes), interact with it (i.e. click on links, comment and share) which will lead to your traffic stats going up over time.

Share your experience with BTC or related websites below.

9 thoughts on “Grow Your Blog With Bloggers Traffic Community”

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I found your post via Reddit, and I’m hoping to increase traffic to my blog as well as be a part of the blogging community!

  2. I never knew about this! This is really amazing tips! I have to join this. I just started my blog last April 2019 and I currently have over 1K page views. I want to grow my blog and this is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Wow Fae, 1k page views in such a short space is really impressive! BTC is indeed an awesome free platform to grow your blog. I’ve been using them for a couple of months and starting to see the benefits. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Free & Simple Hack To Get More Pinterest Re-shares -

  4. This is such a great share, thank you! We bloggers know how much time, finance, and effort goes into each and every post. When we experience lack of engagement, page views, (etc), it can be very frustrating and disheartening.

    I was not aware of BTC. I will now be looking into them today. Thanks for the heads up! ???? I hope you and yours are well.

  5. Pingback: 16 Pinterest Hacks to Give your Blog a Boost - The Lazy Society

  6. Pingback: Free & Simple Hack To Get More Pinterest Re-shares - The Lazy Society

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